It can be daunting to see a psychologist, but it can help to know what to expect. At the first appointment, we will ask you about your current difficulties, as well as some of your relevant personal history. We will then try to work with you to develop an understanding of how your difficulties might have come about. Based on this, we will work together to try to think of ways to improve your difficulties, or to come to terms with them.

People may come for help with grief, traumatic memories, anger, anxiety, low mood, or any of a number of other difficulties.

Psychology is different from other forms of therapy. As Clinical Psychologists, we are trained to use our knowledge of psychological theory and research to bring about a greater understanding of your difficulties. More than just a listening service, we hope to help you make changes in your thinking or actions to improve your wellbeing.

Therapy will mostly be delivered remotely, either by telephone or by a secure video-calling service. Remote therapy allows you to access the service from your home, wherever you live. Research suggests that outcomes for remote therapy are comparable to face-to-face therapy. However, in certain circumstances it may be beneficial to meet in person, and we can arrange this if needed.

You might also have questions about how we keep your information private. Please read our Consent and Confidentiality Information page for further information.